A year has passed with many inevitable changes to the group. To assume working collaboratively means you have be in the in the same space at the same time is not reflective of the world we live in. Therefore we are using the staggered residency as an advantage. Flexibility allows our dialogue to continue. Immersion Vs a Quick dip.
Our plan is to set each other challenges inspired by Brian Eno’s Oblique Strategies, intended to help artists (particularly musicians) break creative blocks by encouraging lateral thinking – Except ours will be based on our original points of analogy of dowsing as art practice, sorted into skill, intuition & chance. These cards will be left in Nida at the end of the residency, after testing how they work and how they influence what we do individually as well as collectively.
To dowse is to partially rely on instinct. The results of which are never wrong, but purely circumstantial. If we take the idea of dowsing as a way to approach creativity, distinct areas of opportunity are opened up to the maker. Whilst it can be argued that all creativity is, in essence, influenced by a maker's socio-political environment, we are now more than ever being asked to react to the immediacy of our environmen in a methodical, 'top down' way, whereby the successful art work is concieved and made for a carefully defined purpose. Can dowsing for art practice offer us any relief?